Am I Racist is the Latest Disgusting Matt Walsh Mockumentary

September 19, 2024 0 By Stoudman

If you don’t yet know who Matt Walsh is, consider yourself one of the lucky few who have missed his fascistic tirades over the last decade. After many far-right media moguls promoted his last film, What is a Woman, it quickly became the talk of the town, and even Elon Musk streamed the film to X in a blatant act of promotion for the views expressed in the mockumentary.

And that’s exactly what that and his latest film Am I Racist are aspiring to be: Mockumentaries.

Why do I say that? Well, it’s simple. Even Matt Walsh would willingly admit that the purpose of this film is to troll his political opponents and score points with the sycophants who love his content. I’m sure he would initially claim otherwise, but if you listen closely to any inane, rambling, incoherent response he might be capable of conjuring, you will find that when he is honest, he states that his films and much of his work should not be taken seriously.

This is why he has his silly little children’s book prominently displayed in the background of the set for his podcast. Is it a podcast or an internet show? Can we all talk about how we think of videos as separate from film in some way, but they’re actually just the most modern iteration of film? No? Okay, back to the tortured soul that is Matthewathan Walsh.

If you doubt me, then perhaps we should wait and see if any of his films end up involved in any lawsuits, at which time I predict he will literally tell a judge to their face that his content should not be taken seriously and he is confident his audience knows that. How can I so confidently make such a prediction? Easy; it’s exactly what Alex Jones did.

In honor of the wishes of future Mattholomew Walsh, I will do him the decency of not taking his film Am I Racist seriously, and I will also suggest that this is the best course of action for anyone who actually cares about the art of filmmaking.

It’s not that his films have many technical issues. I will say that the editing and cinematography are par for the course for these types of movies, and it would be silly to take issue with anything like that. It’s more Matthaniel’s choice to intentionally leave out relevant information that his interviewees provided in order to make them look foolish.

That’s all well and fine if they are in on the joke and know what to expect, but it’s just mean and borders on defamation to misrepresent their views using cleverly edited interview footage to make them look bad.

This is why most mockumentaries hire actors to perform the roles they want to mock, because it’s easier to pay someone to pretend to be dumb than it is to make someone look dumb on film and catch a lawsuit for it.

But let’s face it, Matthstopher is still something of a fresh filmmaker when it comes to potential issues such as those, so he probably hasn’t even considered the possibility that it might be a bad idea to knowingly harm someone’s image by taking advantage of them and prominently display yourself doing just that for 90 minutes at a time.

Perhaps with time Walsh can better hone his craft, but for the moment I must sadly give his latest effort 1 star. The fact that so many people are paying to see this movie in theaters is a blight on the history of film. Let me know your thoughts or don’t, I could care less. I am right, you are wrong, the end.

Oh, and if you think I’m going to put up any image of that shitstain on my website for any fucking reason, you are out of your mind. You get text and text alone, and you should be grateful for that. Now begone!

Justin Wren